Covering the North and South of Ireland.


All species of bats are strictly protected under The Conservation (Natural Habitats etc.) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995 (as amended) (known as the Habitats Regulations).

They are known as a European protected species. All bat species are protected under the Wildlife Act (1976) and Wildlife [Amendment] Act (2000) (Republic of Ireland) which make it an offence to wilfully interfere with or destroy the breeding or resting place of these species; however, the Acts permit limited exemptions for certain kinds of development through appropriate survey, management and mitigation.

We have experience in conducting bat surveys at a wide range of potential and existing development sites and varied habitats. 

We have trained and experienced bat surveyors that are licensed to complete invasive surveys of bat roosts and complete non invasive bat surveys at potential development sites or existing sites. Our bat surveyors are trained through CIEEM (Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management) and the BCT (Bat Conservation Trust). 

All survey work and assessment reports are carried out according to the Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) ‘Bat Surveys Good Practice Guidelines 3rd edition 2016’.

We use the latest Bat survey technology to record and assess Bat calls, numbers and distribution.

Bat Survey Services include:

  • Building, Site Development and Construction Surveys
  • Large and Small Scale, Wind farm or single turbine Surveys
  • Mitigation, Roost Assessment and Monitoring

All surveys are carried out in accordance with the Bat Conservation Trust, Bat Mitigation Guidelines for Ireland and Northern Ireland Environment Agency Guidelines.

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Feel free to get in touch with us today with any questions or concerns…

30 years of ecological survey experience

We need businesses like this to support our wildlife – well done….

Abbie Patterson

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